Who We Are
The Malta College of Pathologists was founded in 1994 and represents an autonomous body whose primary objective is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest standards in the practice of Pathology in Malta, with all its disciplines and sub-specialities. It strives to sustain and improve the academic and professional standards of members of the medical profession who are or may be in any way engaged or involved in the practice of Pathology in Malta, and for that purpose, to take or join with others in taking any steps consistent with that objective. The College Statute embodies the core principles of the Malta College of Pathologists.
Council Members
President: Prof. Alexander Gatt
Vice President: Dr. Alexandra Betts
Honorary Secretary: Dr. Rodianne Abela
Honorary Treasurer: Dr. Claire Marantidis Cordina
Registrar: Dr. David James Camilleri
Communications Officer: Dr. David Pisani